Duration of training:  5 days – 30 hours 

Next session: Monday, 12th June 2023 - Friday, 16th June 2023. 

Teaching language : English

ECTS :  4

Registration* open until May, 31st.




BioEco graduate school offers an interdisciplinary training and research pathway integrating the entire value chain of the biotechnological transformation of renewable carbon and the economic, environmental and societal issues involved. The EUR BioEco offers a 5-year course, from Master to PhD, including new transdisciplinary teaching courses designed to merge bio and chemical engineering, environmental and economic training.

The summer school proposed here is an integral part of BioEco graduate school in collaboration with two main partners : the Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines d'Albi and the research laboratory RAPSODEE

For more information about BioEco graduate school click here 


Renewable Gas Summer School

Most energy scenarios, stablished to guide de energy politics, are based on three pillars: energy sobriety (avoid wasting energy), energy usage efficiency (improving systems to reduce their energy consumption) and non-renewable energy sources replacement by renewable ones. This summer school will be focused on two renewable energy carriers (H2 and CH4) obtained from renewable feedstocks (biomass and waste). H2 and CH4 may assume two main roles in energy transition: energy carrier and energy storage medium.

The summer school will cover H2 and CH4 production from feedstocks to gas distribution and storage, including a strong focus on biological and thermochemical production process.













This Summer School is included in BioEco Graduate School supported by the French State and managed by The French National Research Agency (ANR) under the Investments for the Future program (PIA) ANR-18-EURE-0021



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